Planning doesn’t work 100% of the time

Well I hope not because that would be boring.

Planning should only be for no more than 80% of what is needed to achieve the dream. We are human, and the environment is not totally predictable.

We need to be proactive instead of reactive and that requires a Plan to some level.

I have some words on my wall that I live by, Dream – Plan – Thrive and then you repeat. You must dream to know where point B is in your journey. Whether that be on a holiday, in life, a training course, or the business future.

If there is No dream, then it is just existing. And for me, that’s not an option anymore, and I hope that’s not a option for you as well.

So, once you have a dream, now we need to put a plan in place to make it happen. Say it is for a holiday. You would plan where it is going to be, book the accommodation, plan how you’re getting there etc.

Not so long ago, we took our teenagers on a holiday to Tasmania. The first 4 days were a hike, The Three Capes Track, a beautiful experience. So we had to plan our food because we had one wheat-free person. And our equipment, because we had to carry it all on our backs for the 52 km, 4 day hike. But for the rest of the holiday, all that was planned was the hire car, the accommodation, and the flights home. We took a wish list, and then did whatever took our fancy at the time. Probably one of the best family holiday experience ever.

As you see we planned the major components and necessary things but the rest was see how we felt and what was happening in our environment.

Let me give you another example. Up until recently, I was a Scout Leader, and we had to plan camps and hikes for the children. So we had a dream of what we wanted them to achieve or experience. Then we had to plan how we were going to get there, what equipment we needed, if anything specialised. Also, we assessed the level of risks we as leaders were taking, or the children were taking and how to lower that risk. There were various forms that had to be submitted about the camps and risk level to be authorised at the different levels in the organisation.

Then it was time for the children to grow as individuals, to experience what they probably have never tried before.

I remember one time, another leader, who was a newbie, asked if I had been to the campsite, we were planning our next trip for the Scouts. I said No, but I did know what facilities it had and had seen some photos. The thing is, I knew camping like you know your products, so I was not worried about that side of the adventure. The planning was for the food and lowering the risk factor of the children using axes to cut firewood for a campfire. Or getting lost in the bushland while learning to use a compass and map.

The product is not usually the issue. It is all the framework around it that supports the product that needs a structure, boundaries and planning.

As you can see, I do believe this is about you as an individual, the business owner, or owners.

You set the tone and future of your business.

If you want a step by step guide to planning the financial side of your business, then have a look a Thriving Blueprint Course.

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