Systems and Processes

What Systems are helping Information Flow Through Your Business?

When we talk to our clients about their business one thing is always clear. Their business was born out of a passion. A passion to utilise their own creativity, talents, and expertise to help people and to make their own lives better. The dreams and goals are different for each business but the passion is always there. The problem is that not many people start a business because they have a passion for numbers, accounts, and business processes. Unless, of course, you’re business growth specialists like us.

We have found that the majority of people go into business pretty much blind. With only their passion and perhaps a few words of friendly advice to get them started.

If you were on your own this could spell out disaster. Businesses are often destined to fail, without the right strategies and business processes; even with a great business idea. But the good news is you’re not on your own. Unlike most, our passion actually is numbers, accounts, growth strategies, and business processes. And we love helping business owners transform their passion into something that is profitable and sustainable. So today on the path to getting your business ready for growth we’re talking streamlining processes. 

Business processes might not be the most interesting to think and strategize about. But if you run a small business with minimal staff, we’d be willing to bet that these processes take up 80% of your time. Understanding your business processes means understanding how information flows through your business. Think of this like plumbing. If there are lots of junction points or elbows in the pipes; and the water is doing a marathon before it gets to you that’s not really efficient. If there’s a few cracks or dead ends in the pipes; then there’s a chance that some of the water won’t ever get to you. And if there’s a lot of intersections; then there’s a good chance that a lot of this water is running through pipes it really doesn’t need to. 

System Solution

In other words, ask yourself, how are your costs and figures flowing through your system? Who within your team ‘touches’ the content (eg; purchasing / marketing/ sales / finance)? How does the paperwork and information get to them and are there any blockages in the system?

As you look through your system and actually talk to your staff about how they handle information; and what information they’re handling, pain points should become pretty clear, pretty quickly.

Now it’s time to think about how you actually want the information to flow. And how you can minimise things going missing or just plain causing headaches. Of course, we also want to look at streamlining the process of how your business actually works; from invoicing, pricing, ordering and everything in between.

Streamlining your business processes is vital not only to save your sanity and time as a business owner. But also to create a profitable and sustainable business.

We’re hoping it also inspires you to look at how you actually sell your service or product. As well as produce your service and product. And find more efficient ways as that’s where the next level of profits will grow.

If you know that you need help in any of these areas then don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us on this link.

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