Why You Should Embrace the Cloud

Why You Should Embrace the Cloud

Embrace the Cloud in your business to make your life easier. For those who don’t know exactly what “the cloud” is and who have maybe been too embarrassed to ask. The cloud is simply a virtual storage shed that holds everything you need and accessed anywhere, anytime using any device. It’s like taking your filing cabinets everywhere. Also, with the bonus of a personal assistant there to fetch exactly what you need when you need it. Pretty cool, right?

Cloud gives Freedom

At Outside the Box Accounting Solutions we have this theory that everyone wants to actually enjoy their life; that we want to be flexible and fit in around our families and enjoy a decent social calendar. That’s why we love the cloud. This incredible development in technology gives us the opportunity to make a choice. Which we simply didn’t have a little over a decade ago. We can either be surrounded by paper, and stuck in our old ways. Or we can move forward and embrace the cloud. Move our filing cabinet to the cloud to get back our freedom. While still having all the data and information we need to be the best we can be and grow.

For many businesses, especially those in the services, building or manufacturing sectors; cloud-based information just makes so much more sense than physical copies stored in one place. If the team has remote access to the neccessary information, efficiencies will be found easily within the business. This will help with ordering parts and even rejuggling appointments for staff.

Cloud widens the Skillset pool

Using a online system widens the scope for finding the skillset of staff that you need. Whether that be your admin, marketing person, or a worker to service remote areas that you were never able to before. The best part is that because these workers don’t need to be in the building with you. They can work flexible hours, making for much happier employees and giving you a bigger pool to choose from. 

From an accounting point of view, being able to take photos of your receipts straight away; means you’re not losing them, or wasting everyone’s time chasing them. You can deal with; upload and organise your receipts and invoices as soon as your recieve them. So you know exactly where they are and can access them when you inevitably need them later. 

Cloud brings Opportunities

An added bonus is cost savings for converting to the cloud. I am not really a big fan of paying for a shed to store paper; where you usually can’t find anything anyway and that’s ultimately just a waste of time. The cost to store it in the cloud is a hell of a lot less. Plus if you move premises there’s no need to spend time and money moving it. 

Another very timely thing to consider is that if a natural disaster hits your business. Like bushfires or the impending cyclones that will hit this summer season; if the business information is in the cloud then you have a stronger opportunity to regroup and fight to get your business going again a lot quicker.

Ultimately converting to the cloud comes down to your mindset, your beliefs, and your habits. If you open yourself up to new possibilities, and not just “staying with how it’s always been”; you’ll find that things run smoother, more efficiently and that you can be more productive with your time. If you’d like some help Embracing the Cloud then contact us here

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